Publisher: Vehbi Koç Foundation
Editors: Selen Ansen, Ebru Esra Satıcı, Şeyda Çetin
Authors: Selen Ansen, Cana Bostan, Fatih Özgüven
Design: E S Kibele Yarman
Language : English
ISBN: 978-605-9606-33-2
The publication I Am Nobody. Are You Nobody Too?, in separate volumes in English and Turkish, was conceived as an extension of the exhibition. This 319-page book elaborates on the exhibition’s pivotal themes, such as reflection, resonance, and self/other, by bridging the past and the present and bringing the mythological background of the exhibition into focus. Edited by the exhibition’s curator Selen Ansen and Meşher’s curators Ebru Esra Satıcı and Şeyda Çetin, it brings together numerous visual and textual sources, including some which have been translated into English for the first time, as well as two commissioned essays, one by Cana Bostan and one by Fatih Özgüven.